wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary


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Gah. Thank goodness I am home. We ended our trip early. It was a stupid idea. I was so miserable on Sunday. I threw up from all the pain medicine in the morning before we left. Then again in the hotel in New Mexico that night. Wow, the only thing worse than vomiting after getting one's tonsils taken out is sneezing after one gets one's tonsils taken out. Hah. Everything still hurts.

So. I need to break up with him. I cannot stand him and the things he says and the way he thinks. I knew this before, of course. But he's such a nice guy and a good boyfriend. We're just not right for each other. He is way more into this relationship than I am. He's too attached already. I don't know how to do it. Maybe I should just move away. : /

Anyways, I got pulled over in New Mexico. I was "cookin through town." But I didn't get a ticket cause the cop left his ticket book in his other car.

Thanks : ]

10:32 a.m. - 2006-06-28


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