wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary


no sleep at all! gah!

So I got my tonsils out. I haven't been able to sleep since the surgery.

I was home alone most of the day. I got bored and antsy, so I cleaned the kitchen and my room. My throat still hurts obviously. It's a constant pain that is intensified by shallowing and speaking.

Ryan came over after he got off work. I spend most of the evening communicating to him via Mircosoft Word. He's sweet. He brought me more flowers and two garden gnomes. We watched a couple episodes of Angel and Family Guy. Then we went to bed. I just layed there. Sometimes he'll have speaking dreams about me, like tonight. So that was entertaining. He left a few minutes ago, and so I am here.

One of my dumb friends actually called me and invited me to go hookah tonight. And I had lunch with her on Wednesday. My last full meal. So she knew I was getting my throat ripped apart. Dummy.

On Wednesday, we went on a field trip to Nickle Nickle. Instead supervising kids (honestly how much trouble could they get into at an arcade?), I played X-Men vs. Street Fighter all day. And Bust-A-Move, but it costs a nickle, while the other one was free. Fuckin awesome d00d.

Speaking of d00ds, Rob continues to talk to me and insist we hang out. But we strictly "friend stat." His words. It used to bother me, the way he spoke. But it's purely entertaining now.

What else? What else? Still not sleepy. I still thinking about Jon once in a while. Wondering what he's doing, if he's still with that girl, or a new one, breaking anymore bones, getting sidewalk tans, etc. You know how these things go. I still have the quesadilla maker and Stud Muffin shirt. I could wear that shirt, but I refuse to.

Oh, my doctor said that I can't have any sort of chips because they could rip up my throat. So that makes me want nothing but chips. And salsa. Gahhh!

I've been craving San Francisco lately. But I don't think I'll be able to get up there anytime soon. I do have plans to go to Cabo this summer with Chloe and her family. Her uncle built a manison down there. I believe there are four bars, one of which is located in the pool. Yes, in the pool. Awesomeee.

Well, I'm gonna go browse the Internet for a while.

2:49 a.m. - 2006-06-23


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