wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary


doesn't matter what you do

I'm getting my tonsils out on Thursday.

Ryan, Allison, and I are going on a road trip to New Mexico. Ryan lived in some tiny town in NM most of his life, and he's been wanting to go back and see his friends. We're leaving next week. I guess it'll be fun. I've never been to New Mexico before. Andd we're going to stop at Roswell. : ]

Not much else has been going on. My friends are home from school. Summer camp starts on Monday. I'll only work for three days, then I'll have two weeks off to recover (and go to New Mexico). I'm getting $5,000 from my uncle. I'm going to put most of it into paying off my car.

3:37 p.m. - 2006-06-17


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