wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary



I started to write an entry three hours ago about Rob, but I was interrupted by Jayk. He went pyscho. I blocked him from AIM. But he called me a second later. I didn't answer it, of course. He kept calling and calling. I was opening and closing the phone so that he wouldn't leave me insulting messages. But I gave up on that and just turned my phone off. All together, he's left me twenty-three messages. Wow. I didn't listen to them, just hit 7 to delete. I'm going to Cingular tomorrow to change my number. Yes, I could just block his number, but he has a land line that he can call from. Changing my number is just safer. I don't mind either. I'm also afraid because he sent him my address when we had the party here. And I know he never deletes ANYTHING, so it's still saved. Whether or not he remembers he has it, is not the point. I'm going to park in the garage when I'm home alone. And perhaps park down the street so that he doesn't thrash my car while I'm sleeping. Ughhh.
Seriously, he needs to grow up and get over it. LAME. And I'm not hurt by all the shit he said because he doesn't mean anything to me. Never has. That's why he's all pissed. I meant something to him. He told me all this secrets about beating Jen and getting paid to have his dick sucked my gay men. He's more pissed at himself for trusting me. I purposely never told him anthing too big about me because he wasn't important. So yeah. I need a new number.

9:10 p.m. - 2006-05-14


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