wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary


rob 2

I had sex with Rob and it was bad. We hung out again on Tuesday with his friends. I realized that he's REALLY into drugs. Not just weed. E, Acid, and god knows what else. I didn't quite understand all the drug references they were using, just I'm sheltered. It was awkward so I left. I pretty much thought that was would be the end of that. But he's still texting me and inviting me to parties. So I don't know. I hate his personality, but he's so gosh darn cute.

This is weird to me: When we first see each other, we kiss. When we leave, we kiss. But in between, nothing. Not even touching or sitting close to each other. I don't knowwwww. Weirdddddd.

12:05 p.m. - 2006-05-12


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