wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary


girl like you

I had a dream that you were a girl.
And I asked myself,
"Does this make me a lesbian?"

But the end of the dream
You had turned back into a man.
It was still awkward.

In real news,
One week until my birthday.
Eleven months until my wedding.
I need a better paying job.
I'm not friends with my best friend anymore.
But I've become better friends with Jessica.
We have more in common, similar situations, similar interests.
Plus her husband is Ryan's best friend.
And their baby Connor is the best kid ever.
So it works out.

Flashbacks to high school and my obsessive ways because I started reading the Twilight Series. It's sooo Buffy/Angel with a little Roswell and Tuck Everlasting mixed in. It's not an orginial series at all, but I read it. I'm Team Jacob all the way.

I'm updating this because:
1. I don't want to get dressed.
2. I don't want to look for car insurance.
3. I don't want to go to the office and talk to my supervisors.

BUT I must do all of these things, so off I go.

Happy Friday!

7:46 a.m. - 2008-10-17


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