wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary


beach and westminster

Dancing on Sunday nights has returned. This new club is pretty much the best thing ever. The doorman had no idea what he was doing last week and gave everyone wristbands, except me! Allison, Cristina, and some other people were drinking at the bar. And I had to sneak my drinks in the bathroom.

But it was fun. I kept running away from Ryan. I danced my ass off. I talked to Andy. Andd Allison made out with Rob. That was weird, but also funny.

ThisMonicker: kelsey.
Kelsexxx: rob.
ThisMonicker: i appologize for making out with your sister.
ThisMonicker: that was whack.
Kelsexxx: hahaha
ThisMonicker: like to do that while you were there was kinda lame sauce on my part!

Ryan is going to Oz Fest tonight, so I have a Friday night free and lots of party plans. The only bad thing is he can't drive my drunk ass home like he always does.

10:07 a.m. - 2006-07-07


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