wink-xoxo's Diaryland Diary


you're a train wreck

I'm running on three hours of sleep
And it's awesome.

Last night was odd and dramatic and kinda disgusting, which describes every experience I have with Jonathan. Jonathan, his friend Erin, and I went to a small club in LA. There were two cute boys with ties that I had my eye on, but I ended up getting hit on by some twenty-five-year-old jew. Jonathan and Erin made out with strangers, who ended up being friends with the jew. And Jonathan invited them to Canter's with us. It was awkward. I'm too cute for that guy, so I'm not going to answer the myspace message he just sent me. I was mad at Jonathan for a while because he was insulting Cristina. He said a lot of rude and mean things about her. But he was shitfaced, so I wasn't surprised. We saw Danny Strong who played Jonathan from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was neat.

I realized by the end of the night that Jonathan, Erin, and I have all been sexually involved with Jayk. And I'm not going to draw a conclusion from that.

I got home at 5:30 this morning. I woke up early to see Troy's baseball game at the field next to my house. I also ended up seeing: Anthony, Kyle, Cole, Ryan K, Ryan S, Kevin, Jacob, and the three Kilgores. I talked to some of the parents too. I'm gonna go back in a little bit to watch Kyle's game. They're so cute in their little uniforms. They have no idea what they're doing on the field.

12:16 p.m. - 2006-02-25


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